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System Integrators
The System Integrators listed below have completed several machine
retrofits using OpenCNC and/or WinMotion solutions.
Kaze Companies LLC
Contact: Kelly Van Blaircum
16917 M-36
Gregory, MI 48137
Tel: (734) 604-3598
Fax: (734) 553-6028
email: [email protected]
S3, service, Service, SERVICE!
Contact: Bob Jaques - Service Manager
PO Box 1957
Troy, MI, 48099
Tel: 616-My-OpenC (616-696-7362)
After Hours Hotline: USA+248-765-3836
Fax: 888-278-7996
email: [email protected]
web site:
We've done over 120 OpenCNC projects since 1998.
Call us for new retrofit quotes or for OpenCNC service.
G&W Services, Inc.
Contact: Gary P. Wells - President
9 Main Street Suite 1P
Sutton, MA 01590
Tel: (508) 476-3300
Fax: (508) 476-3311
email: [email protected]
G&W Services specializes in the retrofit, remanufacture and field
service of BostoMatic Milling Machines. In addition, G&W Services
turnkeys custom machines for specific applications. Read about G&W's special OpenCNC BostoMatic Retrofit Package.
Machine Tool Service & Training Group, Inc.
Contact: Don Pollin or Keith Matthes
824 Philip Drive
Waukesha, WI 53186
Toll Free: (888) 887-2483
Tel: (262) 650-0700
Fax: (262) 650-0715
email: [email protected]
web site:
Numerical Control Service, Inc.
Contact: Joseph Giardiello
1124 Commons Blvd
Reading, PA 19605
Tel: (610) 926-3922
Fax: (610) 926-3949
email: [email protected]
web site:
Robotic Solutions
Contact: Larry Kirby
1009 Hunters Pointe Road
Edmond, OK 73003
Tel: (405) 205-4206
Fax: (405) 340-5815
email: [email protected]
Robotic Solutions specializes in revitalizing CNC machine tools with OpenCNC.
Successful OpenCNC integrations range in complexity from a 5-axis Sundstrand
Omnimil S80 (with fully functional tool changer when finished), Trumpf Stack
Routers (with automated riveting, drilling and routing cycles controlled by
M-codes), and 6-axis Onsrud Spar Mills (with 60' X axis and external linear
scale), to 2-axis lathes.
Texas Machine-Tool International
Contact: Mike Sullivan
2712 Old Dallas Road
Waco, TX 76705
Tel: (254) 412-0512
Fax: (254) 412-0515
email: [email protected]
web site:
Why choose Texas Machine-Tool International?
- We've been continuously operated since 1958.
- We can not only provide a control retrofit, but can
also rebuild part or all of your machine.
- We also build custom CNC and robotic machinery.
- We have extensive MDSI experience, including CNC routers,
gantry milling machines, grinders, waterjet, and more.
Uptime Electronics, Inc.
Contact: Warren Goyer
2520 Pacific Park Drive
Whittier, CA 90601
Tel: (562) 692-7072
Fax: (562) 692-0166
email: [email protected]
web site: